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Return Goods

Where a full credit of the goods is refused, the difference between the cost of the stock and the credit allowed is posted to the Write Off account from the inventory item.


  Ex GST Cost GST Inc GST Total
Part A - Shipping Return 585.00 58.50 643.50
Part A - credit allowed 400.00 40.00 440.00
Part B - no Shipping Return 600.00 60.00 660.00


  Warehouse Mask GST Code Debit Credit
Part A - Inventory Value In Transit Warehouse   585.00
Part A - Creditor Control     440.00  
Part A - GST Inwards Adjustment     40.00
Part A - Stock Write Off   185.00  
Part B - Inventory Value Source Warehouse   600.00
PArt B - Creditor Control     660.00  
Part B - GST Inwards Adjustment     60.00

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